Sunday, June 28, 2020

⚔SANTAJI⚔ By Kaka Vidhate

  • Book – Santaji                                                            
  • Writer – Kaka Vidhate                                              
  • Page – 892                                                   
  • Chapters – 15                                                                               Aurangzeb thought that in just six months after the death of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj the Maratha kingdom was broken and the Marathas are over now.  And.. suddenly a terrible storm began to roar.  The name of the storm that rose on the land of Deccan was Santaji Ghorpade. Storm shattered the ships of the Mughal Empire. This is the story of Great Maratha worrier and his war skills

Mughal Writer  Khafikan said that there is only three options to fight with Santaji be defeated and become his prisoner or to fight and die or to get rid of him by paying ransom.   

The first few months of the year 1689 saw the Marathas pass through their toughest time. Chhatrapati Sambhaji, who had ably led them against the Mughals for almost a decade, had been captured and cruelly put to death. The capital fort — Raigad — had been besieged by a Mughal army of over fifteen thousand, led by Zulfiqar Khan. Forts were falling like ninepins to the Mughals. It seemed all was lost for the Marathas. But they found a way out, thanks to the efforts of Yesaji Kank and Ramchandrapant Amatya. The new king — Rajaram — escaped from Raigad in disguise and made his way to Panhala. It was the start of an escape that would eventually see him travel all the way to Gingee fort in faraway Tamil Nadu.


Rajaram had left Ramchandrapant Amatya and Shankaraji Pant Sachiv to continue battling the Mughals in the Sahyadris. Immediately under them were Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav — providing a combination of diplomacy, planning and military skill that was exemplary and one of the main reasons that the Marathas could fight and win against the Mughals for the next two decades.


Although the escape of Rajaram had somewhat solved the immediate problem — Ramchandrapant knew they still had a colossal task ahead of them. Mughal armies were still four times larger than theirs and now had the advantage of having many forts in their hands. But the killing of Chhatrapati Sambhaji had angered the Marathas. The war would continue with renewed vigour.



Chhatrapati Sambhaji’s death would be avenged. Santaji Ghorpade decided to hit the very place on which the whole war hinged. The brave Maratha warrior planned an attack on Aurangzeb himself. It was a preposterous plan. Failure meant certain death. But hadn’t Chhatrapati Shivaji attacked Shaista Khan and emerged alive? At the time, Rajaram was still at Pratapgad and Santaji Ghorpade promised to bring him the Mughal emperor’s severed head.


Aurangzeb had pitched camp in an area between Tulapur and Koregaon and intended to go to Chakan from there. Santaji Ghorpade, along with Bahirji Ghorpade and Vithoji Chavan, set off to attack the camp. Their spies had always been their asset — and they had given minute information of Aurangzeb’s camp and tent. Right down to the detail of the colour of the flags on his tent. They knew the exact size of his tent and the timings of the guards keeping a watch over it. The tent had four sections, of which the part known as the ‘Daulatkhana’ was Aurangzeb’s personal quarters.


The tent was marked out by a wooden palisade which was roughly pink in colour. On the palisade flew red-brown flags. His spies also brought information that many Maratha soldiers had joined the Mughals at Koregaon and Marathi-speaking soldiers was not an odd sight! With all this minute information in hand, Santaji reached Koregaon in the middle of the night and gained access into the camp by convincing the guards that they were among the Maratha soldiers recruited by Aurangzeb. In the dead of the night, with the rains falling incessantly, they made their way to the royal tent, entered it and slaughtered anyone who came in their path. Much to Santaji’s dismay, the Mughal emperor was nowhere to be found. By sheer luck, he was not in his tent that night. But Santaji Ghorpade cut away the tent ropes with his sword and caused the whole structure to come crashing down.



Then he cut away the golden spires of the tent and carried them away. But the Mughals had by now found out that they had been tricked. Santaji Ghorpade and his two thousand odd soldiers fought tooth and nail and hastily made their way out. Hundreds died as a result, but Santaji himself, thankfully, remained safe. He then galloped away from Koregaon and made his way to Sinhagad near Pune. Here, he was warmly welcomed by Sidhoji Gujar, who was guarding the fort at the time. Sidhoji Gujar’s father was the famous Prataprao Gujar. One would presume Santaji must have entered the fort to rest for the night and perhaps spend a few days there. But Santaji Ghorpade chose to stay at the bottom of the hill, and just a day later, galloped off again — this time towards Raigad. The Mughals, believing that Santaji would not trouble them for a few days after the daring attack at Koregaon, were caught completely unawares. Zulfiqar Khan’s siege was ferociously attacked and thousands of Mughal soldiers were slaughtered. Then he retreated to Kolhapur and onto the fort of Panhala.


There the brave warrior presented Rajaram the spoils of his short but daring campaign — the golden spires of Aurangzeb’s tent. In return, Santaji Ghorpade received the title of ‘Mamlakatmadar’ while Bahirji Ghorpade was bestowed with the title of ‘Hindurao’. Vithoji Chavan was given the title of ‘Himmatbahadur’. And all over the Sahyadris, this attack on Aurangzeb caused much jubilation.

For better understanding grab the book from Santaji By Kaka Vidhate

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Saturday, June 13, 2020

5 AM Club By Robin Sharma


Robin Sharma, says our most valuable hours are 5 am to 8 am. They have the least interruptions. Sharma explains how we can all inculcate this habit. “When you wake up early - you have your day, your way. You need 66 days for it to become a habit. 

Successful people have daily habit of rising early 
People like-Tim Cook-Apple CEO
Robert Iger-Disney CEO, Ursula Burns- CEO Xerox

“Everyone dreams of being a legend until it comes time to do the work that legends do.”
― Robin S. Sharma, The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

The book is written like a story with experiences of three people – two struggling strangers and a tycoon who becomes their mentor. In the form of a concept and a method teaching this neuroscience based practice to entrepreneurs, CEOs, sportsmen, musicians, stars, members of the royalty to start their mornings to produce impresive accomplishments in their lives.  Making it a habit and a routine to use the important hours of day break (5 AM) as time first for exercise, and then self-renewal, thinking and planning for the day ahead. To feel inspired, focussed, and full of drive to get the most out of the day, for personal growth.

Robin Sharma share a 20/20/20 formula-

The first 20 minutes to MOVE – exercise! Building in energy, focusing your mind, reducing stress.  Living longer

The second 20 minutes to REFLECT – mediate, contemplate, positively and creatively. For better and stronger performance during the day!

The third 20 minutes to GROW – review and set goals, study (online, and books). Build your knowledge, confidence and gain inspiration towards personal growth.

The 5 AM Club is all about dealing with your life. Your own personal optimisation. As an opportunity, and a responsibility. Each of you has to take a call on your own life. 

The author suggests a three-step success formula in this dealing with your life:

-Learning, better awareness, and growing. Being able to implementing and executing better choices.
-The 5 AM Club option! From stillness, silence, to action. Beta-Alpha-Theta in respect of super charging brain waves
-Impact for better performance, and results in what you do

“As we leave our youth, there’s a pull toward complacency. We can start to coast, settle for what’s familiar and lose the juicy desire to expand our frontiers. We adopt the paradigm of a victim. We make excuses and then recite them so many times we train our subconscious mind to think they are true. We blame other people and outer conditions for our struggles, and we condemn past events for our private wars. We grow cynical and lose the curiosity, wonder, compassion and innocence we knew as kids. We become apathetic. Critical. Hardened. Within this personal ecosystem the majority of us create for ourselves, mediocrity then becomes acceptable. And because this mindset is running within us each day, the viewpoint seems so very real to us. We truly believe that the story we are running reveals the truth—because we’re so close to it. So, rather than showing leadership in our fields, owning our crafts by producing dazzling work and handcrafting delicious lives, we resign ourselves to average.”
― Robin Sharma

For better understanding grab the book from 5 AM CLUB BY ROBIN SHARMA

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Sunday, June 7, 2020


Book is an autobiography of rocket Scientist, Missile Man, a visionary and 11th  President of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam known as People's president.The book gives best insight about the life of a small town boy who dream to make India strong and prosperous  a develop nation and gave us “Vision 2020”.


The first part of the book reveals his first job, first projects, first interviews, and meetings with prominent scientists of that time.

The second part of the book reveals Kalam’s journey from 1963-1980.This is the most significant part of his life. It is a comprehensive tale of creating India’s first SLV-3 rocket and launching it in the year 1980.

The failures, the inspirations, the leadership, the teamwork, the motivations, and the management are some of the important lessons one can pick up by reading wings of fire. This is a great story that teaches us never to lose focus and dedication to reach our goals. We should keep moving towards our aim without fearing the judgment by the whole world. Let not our failures and others judgment decide our fate of destiny. We should keep learning from the failures to improve our shortcomings.

Best motivational lesson from this book is

“You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.”

The book is a journey of dreams, hopes, successes and failures. The life of this great personality was none different than the normal person, only thing different was how he perceive the world around him and how he’s willing to go that little extra to achieve his dreams, how he’s willing to sacrifice for common good and how he never forgets who he really is (some qualities common to visionaries and great men like him). This book gives confidence to Indians that ‘we can do and we can do from India’.

It is story of courage, inspiration leadership and motivation. The book tells us how important it is to value the people around us in order to grow as a person. The book talks about the millions of people who have contributed to the life of Mr. Kalam, which tells us that a great personality is just not one person but a collective effort of many.

The book is also the journey of India’s technological advancement, lists how the success and failures were the integral part of the missions. Though there was a lot of hue and cry from the nation about huge money being pumped in for war purposes when half of the nation is below the poverty line. I too thought that such kind of advancement brings no good. But this book gives a scientist’s point of view and I realized that sometimes it is necessary to solve the puzzle to complete the picture. The hardest battles are those when you are fighting with your own family and indeed the scientists were fighting for a cause for which the nation gave them the least support. Through this book, Mr. Kalam states that missiles were not build to bring war but to become self reliant, to show the world that one cannot rule over others just because they are superior in warfare. This book is not a story of self praise or personal feat but  v a person who had the fire in him to give his dreams wings to fly. Through this book he wants the youth to know that no efforts can go waste, no goals can remain unfulfilled and no life can be ordinary. Each of us needs to realize our potential, give away the feeling of being inferior and fight our own battles in order to fly high up in the sky with our WINGS OF FIRE!!!!!

On the successful launch of India’s missile program, Kalam received the Padma Vibhushan. Kalam always said, “Failures are seeds of further learning” and strongly believed that India can be a technological leader.

For better understanding grab the book from Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of Abdul Kalam

People said about Dr APJ Abdul Kalam :-

The US media also highlighted the contribution of Kalam to India's atomic and space programme and described him as one of the most "exuberant boosters" of the country's nuclear capabilities.

"He used the spotlight to urge India to build up its military strength and to free itself from the threat of domination by outside forces," The New York Times wrote in a rare obituary for Kalam.

“His tenure as India’s 11th president witnessed unprecedented growth in US-India ties. Suitably named ‘the People’s President’, Dr. Kalam’s humility and dedication to public service served as an inspiration to millions of Indians and admirers around the world,” Obama said.

President Putin said that in Russia, Kalam will be remembered as a consistent exponent of closer friendly relations between the two nations who has done a lot for cementing mutually beneficial Russian-Indian cooperation. “Kalam rightly enjoyed high international authority as an outstanding scientist and a wise statesman,”

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Sunday, May 31, 2020


One Book per week

Book contain secret to long and Happy 😃lives
Hey everyone 👋
A lot of us are in despair, confusion as what to do in life? And also what it take to lead a happy & full file a life . So I thought to introduce a book 📖 IKIGAI

Book Review
  • The authors define ikigai and the rules of ikigai—they conducted a total of one hundred interviews in Ogimi, Okinawa to try to understand the longevity secrets.
  • Japanese island of Okinawa, where there are 24.55 people over the age of 100 for every 100,000 inhabitants—far more than the global average. The keys to longevity are diet, exercise, finding a purpose in life and forming strong social ties—that is, having a broad circle of friends and good family relations.
  • One of the most common sayings in Japan is “Hara hachi bu,” which is repeated before or after eating and means something like “Fill your belly to 80 percent.” Ancient wisdom advises against eating until we are full. This is why Okinawans stop eating when they feel their stomachs reach 80 percent of their capacity, rather than overeating and wearing down their bodies with long digestive processes that accelerate cellular oxidation.
  • In Okinawa, where two hundred thousand innocent lives were lost at the end of World War II. Rather than harbor animosity toward outsiders, however, Okinawans live by the principle of ichariba chode, a local expression that means “treat everyone like a brother, even if you’ve never met them before.”
  • The happiest people are not the ones who achieve the most. They are the ones who spend more time than others in a state of flow.​
  • The purpose of this book is to help you find yours, and to share insights from Japanese philosophy on the lasting health of body, mind, and spirit.
  • Many Japanese people never really retire they keep doing what they love for as long as their health allows

  • The key to longevity are diet, exercise, finding a purpose in life (an ikigai), and forming strong social ties—that is, having a broad circle of friends and good family relations.
  • Apple cofounder Steve Jobs was a big fan of Japan. Not only did he visit the Sony factories in the 1980s and adopt many of their methods when he founded Apple, he was also captivated by the simplicity and quality of Japanese porcelain in Kyoto. 

About the Author
Héctor García is a citizen of Japan, where he has lived for over a decade, and of Spain, where he was born. A former software engineer, he worked at CERN in Switzerland before moving to Japan, where he developed voice recognition software and the technology needed for Silicon Valley start-ups to enter the Japanese market. He is the creator of the popular blog and the author of A Geek in Japan, a #1 bestseller in Japan.
Francesc Miralles is an award-winning author who has written a number of bestselling self-help and inspirational books. Born in Barcelona, he studied journalism, English literature, and German, and has worked as an editor, a translator, a ghostwriter, and a musician. His novel Love in Lowercase has been translated into twenty languages.
For better understanding grab the book from Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Art of Non-Conformity BY Chris Guillebeau

Hii Friends, 
This book gives the way to find your own rules & purpose. We   can also teach lessons from what mistakes which was author make in his past.                                                    

Important Principle explain
  1. Success Motivation & the $32,000 lesson
  2. Always look carefully for someone’s motivation and agenda 
  3. You don't have to life the way other people expect you to
  4. You Must be open to new ideas 
  5. you must be dissatisfied with the status Quo
  6. You Must be willing to take personal responsibility 
  7. you must be willing to work hard 
The Goal is to focus on what is relevant and apply those key ideas to your life.

Chris Guillebeau other book list -
 Title Publication Date Pages
 Side Hustle: From idea to income in 27 days    September 19, 2017 258
 Born For This April 5, 2016 320
 The Happiness of Pursuit September 9, 2014 306
 The $100 Startup May 8, 2012 304

Book Summary-