Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

About the author Paulo Coelho

In 1988 the Coelho publish book The Alchemist which hast sold more than 11 million copies worldwide and book was also translated into 41 languages. He has also written more than dozen novels including “The pilgrimage” and “Veronika Decided to Die”  


This short episode introduces the reader to the character of the alchemist, who will be central to the action of the novel named for him. It also may serve as a warning to the reader, at the start of what could be called a self-help novel, about the hazards of self-love.


The book follows the story of a boy called Santiago, a shepherd from Andalusia, a region in the south of Spain, close to Africa. Like Coelho, Santiago’s parents wanted him to do a more conventional job and he spent some time in a seminary (priest’s school). However, Santiago loved to travel and became a shepherd. During his time as a shepherd he travelled widely in Andalusia and learned a lot about sheep. One day in a ruined church he had a dream about a child showing him hidden treasure at the Egyptian pyramids. He had the dream interpreted by a Romani fortune teller, and then an encounter with a Melchizedek or the king of Salem, led him to sell his sheep to pursue his dream.

Santiago embarks on a journey in North Africa, where he suffers both losses and gains. At times he loses confidence in this path and at other times he experiences what we might think as setbacks or a stalling in this path. A key part of the story is when he apprentices with the Alchemist (who the book is named after). In this part of the book Santiago learns more about reading signs and omens. Santiago also falls in love with Fatima, an Arabian girl, however she persuades him to continue following his dream. This is where he learns the lesson that even if we love someone, we should not stop them, or stop ourselves from following our dreams.

I do not want to reveal the end of the story, however one
of the key things that we can learn from Santiago is the importance of change,
embracing adventure and overcoming setbacks. I would recommend reading, or
re-reading, The Alchemist particularly if you are at a
cross-road in your life or are not sure what to do next. It is a lovely book to
read at this time of year as we can use many of the lessons in the book to help
set our intentions for the New Year. I also like to think about Coelho as one
of the ´wise-men´ bringing treasures in the form of the story and encouragement
on our path.

For better understanding grab the book from The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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